All entrepreneurs…Ok let me qualify that…Most entrepreneurs are insecure, worried creatures. Prospecting, hunting, scraping, scoping, begging, cajoling, chasing and delivering orders is not enough. The Purchase Order just received is not enough. The entrepreneur must immediately start worrying about the…
You are the trainer. You get the call. From the client (or the vendor). Training is confirmed for the next week. Spend the weekend downloading other PPTs of similar trainings. Scour the net for `activities’ as the client says they…
In fact all Entrepreneurs and Professionals need Coaches. Corporates invest a lot in coaching their Managers to groom them for leadership. Good coaching has a direct result on improving performance and thereby the bottom line. I know because I am…
Will they ever find who was responsible for forgetting that cup in the GOT scene? Or will Starbucks make that person their Head of Marketing? Even non GOT viewers by now know that gourmet coffee was a thing in the…